Q. Why is it referred to as a Parkhome?

A. The name came about originally from the Caravan industry. It was meant to describe a mobile unit that was insulated and could be moved. These units were built for temporary or permanent use.

Q. What are the Limitations?

A. Because these products are built from interlocking panels, they can be customised to meet almost any design or purpose. From ablutions, accommodation units, classrooms, clinics, offices to even Food Vending Units, Mobile Internet Cafe’s, the sky really is the limit to the applications these units can be used for.

 Q. How long can I expect my unit to last for?

A. Lifespan will vary according to the environment that the unit is found in. When discussing with you our proposed solution, we will work closely together with you to ensure special consideration is given to offer you maximum durability. The average lifespan can be as much as 20 plus years. Minimal maintenance is required with these units but can add value to the longevity of your unit.

Q. Do I have to order off plan?

A. NO! If your needs are not covered by the standard units and sizes on offer, we are more than able to convert these needs into a  customised solution that will meet all of your requirements and be completed within a similar period of time.